Meet us at a conference near you!
We will be attending a number of conferences over the next months and hope to meet you there! If you’re already using Private Packagist we would love to hear your feedback! If you aren’t using Private Packagist yet, stop by to get a live demo and to get all your questions answered in person!

We will be attending a number of conferences over the next months and hope to meet you there! If you’re already using Private Packagist we would love to hear your feedback! If you aren’t using Private Packagist yet, stop by to get a live demo and to get all your questions answered in person! Make sure to say hello to Jordi and me and pick up some of our stickers!
- May 27–28 Belgrade, Serbia: PHP Srbija Conference
- June 9–10 Portsmouth, UK: PHP South Coast
- June 15–16 Potsdam, Germany: Contao Konferenz
- June 24 Odessa Ukraine: Odessa PHP Conference
- June 29-July 1 Amsterdam, Netherlands: Dutch PHP Conference
- July 13–16 Malmö, Sweden: Typo3 Developer Days
- July 25–26 New York City, USA: Laracon